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Hospital Visit

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Hospital Customs for a Speedy Recovery

Kosher Foods
If your'e in need of a Kosher meal, please get in touch with us.

Prayer by the Torah
If it has not yet been done, please see that the Rabbi have your Hebrew name and mother’s name so that the Mi Sheberach Prayer may be recited at the Synagogue service.

Tzedakah is especially appropriate at this time. Obviously, this must be done in accordance with each individual’s personal circumstances. Traditionally, this is done in multiples of ‘chai’ (18). It is also advisable to have a Tzedakah Box at the patient’s bedside. Even one coin every weekday is a worthwhile mitzvah. To donate to Chabad of Tosa online

This very important mitzvah and can be performed daily, even in a hospital bed. If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to call us.

Shabbat Candles
Ladies who are in the hospital over Shabbat or Yom Tov may light candles in their rooms or nearby with permission of the hospital staff. Don’t be shy. The Shabbat candles will bring a warm glow to your face and those around you.

Gomel Blessing
Upon recovery, it is customary to come to Synagogue and express one’s gratitude to Hashem with a thanks giving blessing (Gomel). For gentlemen, this is done at a service when the Torah is read.t for titles, paragraphs & more.

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